Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Don’t Blander Me You Blogstard

Well Dad’s on a Rant Again, moaning and groaning about my utter laziness in starting my own blog. I don’t know what his problem is. I did finally start my own blog, and I stopped blog squatting on his and Larry’s sites. (Need I make payment of $.01 to Bryan for using his word?) Now he has claimed the word “blog squatting” as his own, and he did this all the while blandering me. (I’ll explain the meaning of that in a minute).

So while we are on the subject of claiming made up words, I claiming the following, one of which I have already used in this blog, and the other two I will soon enough:

Demublican (dee-mub-lick-hen), n. 1. One whose political beliefs, while consisting of both Democratic and Republican ideology, may to lean more toward liberal viewpoints. 2. Slightly left of center. 3. A moderate liberal.

As I am claiming this term, I am also claiming the opposite:

Republicrat (ree-public-rat) n. A person whose political beliefs system consists of conservative and liberal viewpoints, but who leans more toward conservative ideology. 2. Slightly right of center. 3. A moderate conservative.

Blander (blan-der), n. 1. Blog-Slander. 2. To defame someone in a blog.

Blogstard (blog-stard) n. 1. Blog Bastard. 2. One who blanders others in his blog. Syn: Blastard.

Unlike Bryan, I do not give any ownership of my words away. I am in this entirely for the money. Maybe I should be a Republicrat. I guess it’s time to send some of my hard, pipe-hitting hillbilly friends out Bryan’s way, learn that blogstard to blander me.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am glad that I am not the only one that likes to take D.O.a.R.A. to task. Bravo! I would claim to be a Republicrat but then I would owe you money (darn I said it so I guess I owe you money anyway). I better get off of here before I am blog squatting (darn, now I owe money to Bryan) I am going broke just trying to comment.

Great Post.

10:23 AM

Bryan said...


Thanks for the lesson... I won't do any blogstarding in the next couple of minutes.