Thursday, September 06, 2007

Inequity is Fair


The above space is where you would see my ranting and raving about the unbelievably naive and ill-conceived notion that the school districts in St. Louis and Kansas City deserve more money per pupil than other school districts, especially the small, rural ones.

The News-Leader has taken the stance that the urban schools should get more money per pupil because … well they didn’t bother to address why we should discriminate against the rural schools. They just advocate for it.

Dad’s On A Rant beat me to the post and he did a darn fine job. So there’s no point in rehashing it all. Dad is right and I cannot imagine why the News-Leader would support inequality in school funding.


Bryan said...

Glad that I could speak for others and not offend.

When I read this on Sunday, it made my blood boil.

Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it but I think the judge was right. The state is being constitutional in it's actions. However, it doesn't mean the funding formula is fair at all. The whip needs to be cracked by voters against our reps in Jeff City. I just don't know if we can overcome the apathy in the smaller towns of the Ozarks to put the best interest of the children ahead of personal desires.

Sky Girl said...

I grew up in a smaller school district, and I can tell you that even as a high school student I was aware that Kansas City and St. Louis got more money for things than we did. I thought it was unfair then and it still really hacks me off now.