Saturday, October 06, 2007

Dear God …

I’ve been trying to do my best lately, but it’s hard. Life just stinks sometimes, but I try my best to keep trudging through the seemingly infinite quagmire of interpretations. I am at a stopping point. That is to say, I am having a hard time learning anything new because of my being sufficiently confused about some basic foundations of your existence. Here goes:

  1. When I look around I see all kinds of persons doing all kinds of terrible things to others in your name. They all claim to know your will, espouse some special connection to you, and warn us that if we do not follow them we will die (in this life or the next). Some of these people use the same document I do in order to make their case. I just don’t get it. Most of these people are our nations major church leaders. My gut tells me not to trust these snake oil salesman, that they are deceivers. Yet, they are the major church players. If the Bible is the perfect word of God, then how can so many miss the mark? Or maybe it’s me that is wrong? I don’t get it.
  2. It seems that the God of the Old Testiment and the God of the New Testiment are two different beings. One seems jealous, angry and threatening. The other seems loving, kind and benevolent. What gives? Did you change or did our understanding of you change? Either way, it seems inconsistent with the biblical idea in the that you are perfect. A perfect God would not need to change. He would know the perfect path and follow it. He wouldn’t change directions and send someone else, would he?
  3. I am supposed to have faith that the Bible is the perfect word of God. Yet, I know that some of the books were written long (sometimes many years) after your death. Well I know that the mind of humans is weak at best. So how am I to trust things that were written so long after your death? It is my understanding that we do not always know exactly who wrote every book. How do we know we can trust it? For that matter, how do we know we can trust the translation into English? I’ve always heard that the translators were inspired by God, but the top church leaders always say that, even if it isn’t necessarily so. See question number one. I can’t help but wonder how I can trust the Bible to be the inerrant word of God. If it isn’t, then why do I use it as a guide as opposed to some other document that purports goodness.
  4. If so many people are full of the grace of God, then why do so many Christians or Muslims have so much hate? If you are full of God, then I would not think it would be possible to hate. Yet, it is going on all the time?
  5. Our currently political leaders make claims (or certainly imply) that they are blessed by you. Yet they do terrible things calling them moral and good. How the Hell does that work? Am I missing something, cause I don’t get it. These people lie, cheat, and steal and yet they have many religious followers.

That’s enough questions for now. I have others, but this is a good starting point. I just don’t understanding and it is affecting my views of my own faith. Just wondering if you had some ideas that you could throw down to me.

Your Friend,


The Lorax said...

Wherever two or more are gathered... maybe God will hold an informational meeting. ;)

These are the same questions I have. And it's the same for others.

Thanks, Jack.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where you are coming from, Jack. I too have the same questions that you have.

Sky Girl said...

If you are inspired by answers, please share. Many of us struggle with these same issues.

The CDM said...

All are great questions and thoughts. Response in order

1. I couldn't agree with you more. It sickens me how some churches twist the words of the bible to fit their wants (not needs). It's like the supreme court, you have activists and those who adhere to stare' decisis.
2. Old Testament vs. New Testament...where to begin. This is part of the Theodicy problem religion experts have been trying to solve for centuries.
3. The very question I've asked for years. I'll give my take in the summary.
4. Hate goes way back to each religion believing whose true prophet was the real deal. Fear is what provokes action from these people. Fear of being wrong, fear of being persecuted, fear of forced conversion, etc...
5. Don't get me started on this one. I get a headache just thinking about it. People will say anything these days just to get the acceptance of others, again it sickens me.

Summary: I have total belief that the bible was written by man and should be followed carefully not literally. The text is thousands of years old and was written at a time when chaos was abound. I believe that the bible (for the most part) was written by man to keep man in check. Afterall, fear is a great motivating tool. It's even being used today by many of our leaders and wanna be leaders. I truely believe in a higher power, I just don't believe that any sect should tell me how to live, we have free will. There should be some balance because if everyone was happy and I mean everyone not ever having to experience suffering of some kind, we lose free will.

Man this is powerful stuff. I enjoyed the read.

Lenny said...

I have often felt that way for long time my man. Good post!