Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Decider Has Some Things to Decide

Kitty Kat, wife of Jack, asks something pertinent this morning: “What’s going through President Bush’s mind this morning?” A good question. Horn tooting aside, it’s obvious by last night’s election that the President has lost the support of the majority of people. I think the community at large voted against this president’s war policy last night. That’s nothing prophetic, as the pundits have been talking about this for several days, but it makes sense.

I suspect, with a grin, that he will do what McCarthy did in the days of yore. McCarthy was after the communists and blamed everyone, including Army generals of being pinkos. Got him in a lot of hot water, especially when the discovered that his documentation was fraudulent, thanks to the Tydings Committee’s investigation. McCarthy’s response: The Tydings Committee were communists. The same thing will happen here. By the end of today we will find out that this wasn’t a referendum of the President or his war policy. It was nothing more than the evil liberal media (a.k.a pinko commies) attempt to distort the truth about the war in Iraq. Wait and see.

For the Decider to change his mind and change course would mean that he was wrong all along, and he isn’t about to do that. So we will stay the course and just push harder for those “benchmarks”, but you can bet the farm that those won’t be “timetables”. It’s a hard job being the Decider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that he's said he's going to work with the Democrats. Methinks that's all window dressing, but the glass half-full part of me wants to believe we're on our way away from extremes.
