Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Entertainment Weekly dubbed it the “hottest book since Harry Potter” and I’ve witnessed many a tween and teen reading the hefty-paged book in class and even brining it to church. Twilight is, without a doubt, a sensation among the young. Girls are all giddy over the pale-skinned (but somehow red-lipped?) ice cream sundae known as Edward, dreaming and swooning over the vegetarian vampire. It cracks me up.

That’s good. Young love is a powerful emotion and I celebrate the passion and commitment that kids have to reading such a thick novel (which is actually the first in a series). Connect with the books, kids. That’s what they are for.

My daughter has been dying to see the movie. She has the book, read a few chapters, but the reading level is a bit too high for her, although not for much longer. It is exactly what I expected: a teen romance wrapped in a thin horror-phane covering. Boy is a vampire, hundreds of years old, but he still looks 17 and is cursed to perpetually go through high school. Can you imagine? The horror of it all! His entire family are blood-suckers, but they have committed themselves to a life of restraint: choosing to only drink the blood of animals. They affectionately refer to themselves as vegetarians, which is not entirely true except from a certain point of view.

Nosferatu and human girl (Bella) fall in love, a love worthy of music, a Shakespearean love. It is not forbidden per se except that Edward can barely contain himself – smelling her blood scent and salivating over her life force. Good luck breaking these two up. It sure makes for a tense and sensual first time kiss.

Then everything gets mucked up when another transient triad of the undead show up and start feeding on the townsfolk, eventually honing in on Bella. What can be worse that a vampire and a human girl falling in love?

I have not read the books, but I know they are immensely popular mostly with girls but with boys as well. The movie was, well, aimed for a younger crowd, sparking that first love experience and playing on the push and pull of adolescence. It was fine. The kid loved it and that’s all that matters. I hope she picks the novels back up when she is a tad older. Considering the setting of the movie, today's weather made it all the better: rain, clouds and a cool wind.

1 comment:

Busplunge said...

Our grandson read it, couldn't get his nose out of it!