“Want to play Star Wars, Dad?”
“You betcha.”
I got right up and put that bad boy in the Wii. Sunday night I had the bright idea of rushing to Blockbuster and renting a Wii game and a movie for Memorial Day. I like PJ days, those rare times when we pretty much stay in our skivvies and hang out at home. Except for the lunch date with grandma and my dad, we did just that. Sophie and I rented:

We gamed in the morning before Mom got up, took a break for lunch, cleaned the house up good (hands and knees scrubbing good) and then gamed until 7 pm. When it was just the two of us, we played the Lego Star Wars game. It was good, great in fact. We had a blast fighting the evil Empire. Had I been thinking, I would have looked up the cheat codes early on so she could fight as Padme. We have them now. The Force was strong, our skills honed, and we had fun.

Mom joined us in the evening and we shifted gears to the Mario & Sonic game, where we competed in swimming, skeet, ping pong, track & field and other Olympic games. This game was for up to 4 players and those types of games are great for families. We finally quit when we noticed the daughter getting pretty crabby. She stamped that foot one too many times when she did not do as well as she expected. Our motto: Always quit while you’re having fun. It makes life run more smoothly. Never got to The Water Horse. I wasn't that thrilled with it anyway.