Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Drinkable Enema!

No Shit.

A loved one is in the hospital. She has a terrible bacterial infection in the lungs and is not well. Bowels are not working well and after 4 days … well you can imagine. Nothing has worked. I spent the day in the hospital with her to give the caretaker a break. The nurse finally came in with a steaming drink.

"It's a drinkable enema," he said wryly.

It was a 6 ounce hot Milk of Magnesia, prune juice and magnesium sulfate (or something) concoction. Gag a maggot. This stuff looked like … like … Judas Priest it looked nasty. She gagged it down and I left before the fun got rolling.

Drinkable enema. Who the hell thought that up?


The CDM said...

If not magnesium sulfate, it may have been magnesium hydroxide.

Ya know, Indian food chased with an espresso would be more pleasant.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I just love that this particular entry begins with the words
"No shit."