Sunday, September 02, 2007

Kitchen Remodel: Day 27

We ate our first meal in weeks at the table today. The remodel is coming to an end and it feels great. The project has come down to details: putting the hardware on the cabinets and drawers, installing the stove (when it gets here), installing the rest of the lights and ceiling fan, caulking, that kind of stuff.

We spent all of yesterday washing dishes and putting things in the cabinets. We have not put much away, but we are getting there. My parents came up and helped us move in and arrange the furniture. It’s a good thing they did too. My dad was here to help me move. My wife and mother supervised the work, arranging and rearranging the furniture. We also had the help of both of my grandmothers, which gave us two too many bosses for my taste. My mother is very good at arranging and so we love her help. She is an amateur interior decorator and is, by far, better than many pros. She and Pa went with us to pick out some lighting, door treatment and a few other accessories. It was fun.

(Pics will come at the end of it all.)

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