Saturday, July 29, 2006

Who's Your Crawdaddy?

Our friend, Brian, was in town this week visiting from Madrid, Spain. He is a former Springfieldian and now teaches high school overseas. We decided to throw a get-together in his honor. Kimmie boiled us up a fine batch of crawdaddys and shrimp, along with the usual fare of taters and corn.

The boys drank ourselves right out of beer and Hornsby hard apple cider. So we had to make another trip to the market for some spirits. Once the sun dropped, we headed inside to help the kids settle down, and in came the Disney flick Fantasia 2000. There we sat, this big bunch of lumps, celebrating a friend’s return with Disney and hard apple cider.

That would have never flown back in the fraternity days. We might as well have had a cookies-and-milk party. But then again, my kidneys, they ain’t what they used to be. Funny thing is, no one seemed to care that Fantasia was on. Truth be told we were just as mesmerized as the kids. (click here to see more pictures.)

1 comment:

John Stone said...

I had a friend that did more than his share of acid ... more than most of San Fransisco's share, come to think of it. We would have great fun -- if we wanted to really freak him out all we had to do was say, "Fantasia", and he had an immediate flashback.