Monday, March 03, 2008

Butter My Butt and Call Me a Biscuit

Eating out these days is like playing in a grease trap of death. All the yummy things may taste good but, according to Rohrblogger, the restaurant food is not all the healthy. We should have already known that, but sometimes seeing the numbers can really shock you.


My favorite: WORST DESSERT - Chili's Chocolate Chip Paradise Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream. 1,600 calories, 78 G fat, 215 G carbs. Would you eat a Big Mac for dessert? How about three? That's the calorie equivalent of this decadent dish. Clearly, Chili's customers get their money's worth.

I’m going to go and weep in a corner until my next class starts.

1 comment:

Jason Rohrblogger said...

Thanks for yet another link! You are rocking my blog, Jack!

Sorry about the caloric reality. I'm a huge fan of Lone Star steaks myself...