Friday, March 14, 2008


I’ve been quiet this week. Not had much to say. I am in a fifth grade classroom somewhere in the Ozarks two days per week as part of a practicum. I am lucky to have struck a good relationship with the teacher and the students and I am learning a lot. My dogs sure are barking, though. I feel pulled from all ends so the blogging is a big lighter than usual. I’ve had some idea, but no time to really get them down.

I’m relying on the local bloggers to pick up the slack. Sniderman, Strannix, Sky Girl, Litle, Jason, Busplung, I’m looking at you trouble makers. Give 'em hell.

I can’t speak much about my classroom experience. I wish I could share more with you. Some nonsense about privacy, confidentiality, and rights keep getting in the way. The truth is, I am loving it. I like the culture at the school and how the staff treat us college students. I enjoy the students. It’s great and I hope that continues.

My work with my Master’s thesis got national recognition this week as I was featured on an ejournal ran by some of the nations most recognized educators: the real movers and shakers pushing for quality change. I am feeling pretty good about that. Considering they get 30,000 unique hits per month, I hope to see some serious results. [End shameless self-promotion.]

Carry on, will you? I have only seven more weeks in the semester, then I can breathe again. Until summer that is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
