Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just A Small Freak Out; No Big Deal

I have been in school for a total of two days and I am freaking out. Yep. That about sums it up. It sucks to feel overwhelmed so early in the semester. I carry 14 hours, one of which is a night class, and an 8-week student teaching practicum. I have a papers to write, tests to take, a portfolio to design, lesson plans to write, unit plans to write, projects and the list just keeps on going.

This semester is all about due dates and plenty of them. Details and little due dates are not my strong point. Today, the instructors (there were five of them in one class) told us not to read certain chapters of our manual because the amount of requirements will freak us out. No kidding? Just hearing that freaks me out. I need a drink.




[breathing again]

Really, I should get used to it. Good teachers put in 45-60 hours (or more) per week and I plan on being one of those good teachers.

As for blog posts, you should probably expect to see a shortage, a decline, but I am not going away. Blogging is my healthy outlet so I will still do it in order to maintain sanity. That's the plan anyway. If Homer go crazy, well then, I can't really say what will happen.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Good luck man! You can do it!