Sunday, January 06, 2008

Lying Liars and the Armor of Christ They Wear

I was trying to read my comics last night and Ms. Fat Jack insisted on watching the Democratic part of the debate last night. Daughter had neighborhood children over for a sleepover last night and we unfortunately missed the Republican side of the debate.

I finally quit reading because the debate was too distracting. We watched as Edwards dumped a big bucket of hot poo atop of Sen. Clinton. He severed his alliance with her last night and is partnering with Obama. Crack me up! The Iowa caucus was more influential than I realized. Personally, I thought that was the most interesting and telling aspect of the debate. Gov. Richardson did a nice job and I can’t help wondering if he isn’t the real candidate.

I woke this morning and read my blogs and what to my amazement did I find but lies. Sniderman has the cud about Sen. Obama. True to political fashion, someone, somewhere is trying to swiftboat Obama with utter lies and Sniderman is none too happy. The email states:
  • Obama is a radical Muslim.
  • He was sworn into office using the Koran and not the Bible.
  • He only joined Christianity for political reasons.
  • Obama was educated as a Muslim.
  • and much more.
Of course it is all a bunch of nonsensical pollywhomp. Snopes has the truth here.

I think back to a friend of mine who used to routinely send me lies, which tried to pass off truth, about liberal politicians, mostly Sen. Hillary Clinton. When I proved that his emails were lies, his response was the snopes dot com was not God.

I wonder, who is it that makes up these lies? Atheists perhaps? I think not. It mostly likely, in my opinion, comes from conservative Christians. So much is made of the attack on Christians and yet we have attacks like this that come from those who claim Christ. It makes me crazy mad when nuts claim Christianity. I believe in their right to believe as they choose, but it is so hard to accept hate and lies, especially when they come from people of my own faith. The same Christians have done the same with Gov. Romney, making him out to be a polygamist just because he is Mormon.

Then I flipped over to Simple Thoughts and saw a link to more horse hockey about how all Muslims are evil and trying to destroy the world. All of them Muslims. Every single one. Nothing but rapists and terrorists. (Not that Larry agrees with the blogger. Larry was simply arguing that the man shouldn’t be arrested even for speaking hateful lies, to which I agree.) The man promoting lies, and being prosecuted for it, claims to wear Christ as his armor. Ahhh!

If liars and haters want to claim Christ, then so be it. I tolerate their right to do so, but I have the right not to like it and to say something about it. That is why I told my friend to stop sending me email lies about liberals. I won’t be a part of it.


Sky Girl said...

Good post.

Unknown said...


Very nice post. I posted about the Senator Obama lies a couple of weeks ago.