FactCheck.org has the skinny on McCain’s false claims about Obama and his tax plan. I could go on and on about it, demonstrating how McCain is purposefully putting out lies, but why bother when you can get the information straight from the horses website.
I will say that we have an interesting thing going on here. Obama has a tax plan that touts tax cuts for the middle class, us, the regular folks. The truth is, Obama is only raising taxes on those families who make more than $250,000 or individuals whose income is more than $200,000. We know that these folks are not middle class.
The fact checking goes on and on how McCain continues to hammer away at things that he knows are false, but he does them anyway. The site continues to be updated as McCain churns out more falsehoods about Obama.
I bought into the guy, not so long ago. I believed in John McCain and promoted him on this blog as a Maverick, a go-getter, a different kind of politican, someone above the lies. It makes me mad as thunder to see him take the low road and smear his opponent just to win an election.
The Maverick promised us a clean campaign, one free from this crap, but that was many days ago, before The Maverick died.
The facts stand for themselves and the truth is that the taxes are only going to happen to those wealthy folks who own a bunch of homes.
I will say that we have an interesting thing going on here. Obama has a tax plan that touts tax cuts for the middle class, us, the regular folks. The truth is, Obama is only raising taxes on those families who make more than $250,000 or individuals whose income is more than $200,000. We know that these folks are not middle class.
The fact checking goes on and on how McCain continues to hammer away at things that he knows are false, but he does them anyway. The site continues to be updated as McCain churns out more falsehoods about Obama.
I bought into the guy, not so long ago. I believed in John McCain and promoted him on this blog as a Maverick, a go-getter, a different kind of politican, someone above the lies. It makes me mad as thunder to see him take the low road and smear his opponent just to win an election.
The Maverick promised us a clean campaign, one free from this crap, but that was many days ago, before The Maverick died.
The facts stand for themselves and the truth is that the taxes are only going to happen to those wealthy folks who own a bunch of homes.
John Stewart ran a funny piece the other night about John McCain: Maverick Reformer to Reformed Maverick. The sad part about it is that it was totally true.
McCain: From politician, to polichicken. He and his staff can't handle even a fair question from Campbell Brown without throwing a temper tantrum. With a lack of McCourage like that, how are we supposed to expect him to talk to the likes of say...Russia?
Sarah Palin can't bring herself to go on "Face the Nation." How on earth could she be counted upon to run our nation if called upon?
BTW, welcome to my blogroll.
And FactCheck.org says "An Obama ad running in Michigan claims McCain didn't support loan guarantees for the auto industry. In fact, he does support them."
Come on, Jack. You know full well both sides pull these kinds of games.
"I bought into the guy, not so long ago. I believed in John McCain and promoted him on this blog as a Maverick, a go-getter, a different kind of politican, someone above the lies. It makes me mad as thunder to see him take the low road and smear his opponent just to win an election."
So under that logic, is it fair to say that Obama's claims of change are nothing more than crap because he's running ads that are misleading as well?
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