Monday, March 23, 2009


If Oliver Stone can manage to make me feel bad and take pity upon George W, then I think I can say that the movie is probably worth seeing for folks all over the political spectrum. I was expecting (or was I hoping for?) a scathing expose on the man dubbed King George by many an adoring fan for his disregard for the US Constitution, trampling of American civil rights, and asshole-esque swagger.

His rocky adolescence - which lasted long after puberty mind you - was a warty glass of beer, but Ws conversion was portrayed as authentic and touching, a defining moment in the man's life. His religious devotion was handled with care and compassion, detailing the man who really did, as best he could, love and follow God as he understand Him.

I was surprised at how Stone characterized the yellow cake uranium issue. Contrary to the vast left-wing conspiracy, Stone left us with the impression that W was truly duped into drinking someone's Kool-Aid (Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld?) believing that Hussein really had WMDs.

That is all beside the point, Stone's point anyway. The focus of the film was not on Bush's mistakes in Iraq (although they were presented), instead keeping the lens on the relationship between W and daddy, or as they were called in the movie: Junior and Poppy.

Who knows if George HW Bush actually had the disdain for his son that was portrayed in the movie, but the implication is one that makes sense from a certain view. A man who stood in his father's shadow and was determined to earn that admiration and respect by creating a legacy and finishing daddy's battle. Oh yeah, oil played a part too, as did imperialism. Don't be surprised to hear the word empire uttered once or twice.

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