Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I don't quite understand it all. The conservative side of the blogosphere is nearly quite about the racism, sexism and hate spewing from the Republican party these days.

People are clamoring for the death of Obama, for him to be beheaded, killed, shot dead, taken out. They call him an Arab and a terrorist at the Palin-McCain rallies. Palin says nothing and McCain only corrects it once.

And all that said and done is a slight shoulder shrug and a passive mention that both sides are getting nasty. Nasty? Presidential politics is always nasty, but racism, sexism and the cawing for death is no way to run a campaign. And where are the supporters of the other side? Where are they condemning the racism, sexism and hate?

The newest line from the conservative side is that Gen. Colin Powell is nothing more than a skin-color voter, a un-American who cares more about blacks than America. Forget the fact that he outlined his policy differences with McCain. It must be a black thing.

I know that many, many conservatives and Republicans do not jive with racism or sexism or death threats. But they say little or nothing about it occurring in their party. Going along passively, dismissing it all as just dirty politics. Racism is not dirty politics. It is hate mongering. Death threats are not a part of the normal political mud-slinging. Driving a wedge in Virginia and stating that your opponents are not part of the real America is sickening.

Where is the outcry by the Republicans who oppose racism? Where is the anger at their own party for calling for Obama's head on a stick?

Perhaps I'm just being partisan? That comment is all the rage these days, slammed against anyone who disagrees. I may be partisan for Obama. I'm okay with that. He is my candidate and I defend him. That's no different than those who love their football team or cry when their team enters the playoffs. It's no different than those who wear their team's jersy or paint their chests. I don't condone racism, sexism and I sure as shooting don't condone death threats against any political candidate. If my candidate did that, you can bet the bank (which isn't worth much these days) that I would blog about it.

Don't call me un-American; don't say I am not a real American. I am a real, patriotic, American-loving citizen. I vote. I care. I love my country. I'm voting for a candidate because of his political ideology and his policies, not because of his skin.


Sky Girl said...

wRight on, Jack. Right on.

Anonymous said...

I guess that attacks of a father having alleged incestuous relations with his daughters is fine since nobody on the left complained. Oh well, let's see what happens with this pending suit in court.


Anonymous said...

"I don't condone racism, sexism and I sure as shooting don't condone death threats against any political candidate."

hmmm....What about Congressman Murtha calling his constituents racist, will you be honest and publicly say that he was wrong?
Or what about Rep Lewis(D)GA trying to link the McCain campaign with segregationists and against the civil rights movement.

You see the problem is you condemn perceived injustice when you see it on the Republican side, but when liberals do it that is fine with you. Your silence is deafening.

admin said...


I can understand your frustration. It is maddening when it feels like people have double standards or that the rules only apply to others and not them.

There is never any excuse for racism, regardless of the political persuasion. That's why this blog has addressed those Southern Democrats who are against Obama because of his skin color. THat's why this blog has addressed the shameful accusation that Pres. Bush made against McCain during the last election. To somehow tie McCain to having an illegitimate black daughter with a prostitute is just ... it's disgusting.

Obama addressed Lewis' comment, but even more important, Lewis himself stated he went too far. That's the most important piece.

I have no idea what the Murtha business is. You offered no links.

I will not deny that there is racism, sexism and all around discrimination in both big parties. But even you must admit, that there is a systemic racism occurring in this year's Republican campaign. It started back in the Texas RNC with the button that stated if Obama wins can we still call it the White House and it has gotten worse than that.

Ending in calling for his death. His death. Let's keep this local and focused. My blog has come out condemning discrimination. Period. It always has. What have you done?

There is no silence on the part of this blog. Never has. Rather than talking about the liberals, talk about you and the conservatives.

Sky Girl said...

Mr. Albers,

I haven't heard anyone say that Conservatives aren't American.

I haven't heard anyone say that if McCain is elected he will take away freedom of speech from those who oppose him (as Newt Gingrich said on This Week).

I haven't heard of anyone pulling up next to a McCain supporter and cursing and screaming at him/her.

Certainly, Obama has not referred to the religion of Islam as if it is the plague.

I also haven't heard any Republicans coming out to the National media and saying these things are wrong. Except Colin Powell.

People yell "kill him" at rallies and McCain/Palin stand by and say nothing. I bet she says nothing when she's here Friday, either.

I'll look into the Murtha thing. I have no idea what you are talking about.

Sky Girl said...

Found the Murtha thing.

Albers: Are you saying that some of his constituents aren't racist? I best statistically some of them are. He said some, not all.

I believe on my blog I recently said the same thing.

If some people weren't racist, then racist things wouldn't be happening.

Jeremy D. Young said...

I don't know what to say. I can't defend the acts of racists or violently ignorant people. Of course I don't have to because I haven't attended any of these rallies and I do not support any Republicans that I don't know personally. It's just rather disgusting, but this world is full of disgusting people at the top, middle, and bottom.

Jason said...

"Where is the anger at their own party for calling for Obama's head on a stick?"

I must have missed that. Where did the Republican party issue a statement calling for Obama's head on a stick?

Oh...and the "kill him" claim that some Obama partisans keep bringing up? It was debunked by the secret service.

I'm assuming you're going to make a post now condemning Obama supporters that post that misinformation as if it's fact?

Anonymous said...

Yeah get in their face . . . with a knife and carve a B, O the perfect party.

Sky Girl said...

anon 10:29:

What the hell does that mean? It sounds like a threat to somebody, but I can't even tell what you are talking about or who you are threatening. It certainly does nothing but support what Jack said here about things going too far.

Jason said...

Yes, it certainly does talk about things going too far.

It's about an attacker who saw a McCain sticker on his victims car so he carved the letter B into her cheek.

Anonymous said...

Yes it does sound threatening. Besides I believe she self-inflicted the cut, either the attacker is dyslexic carved it in reverse or she carved it looking in a mirror and forgot to reverse the image.

Yeah get in their face . . . with a knife and carve a B, O the perfect party.

10:29 PM
Blogger Sky Girl said...

anon 10:29:

What the hell does that mean? It sounds like a threat to somebody, but I can't even tell what you are talking about or who you are threatening. It certainly does nothing but support what Jack said here about things going too far.

BTW Obama "get in their face"

"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face."

Barack Obama, at Nevada rally deciding 'hope' isn't cutting it, let's try 'obnoxiousness.'bursis

Sky Girl said...

Yep, self-inflicted, story made up. I hope she gets the help she needs.

Jason said...

As I hope the report who made up the "kill him" story does as well.

Jason said...

Removing my blog from your blog roll now, "Sky Girl"?

That is really pathetic.

The CDM said...

Jason, honest question here, did you or did you not remove Fat Jack from your blogroll as with his graphic classroom? I noticed he has returned, but the graphic classroom is still missing as of this very moment.

Jason said...
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Jason said...
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Jason said...
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Jason said...

Combining three into one. :)

Yeah, I took it down because of complaints I had received regarding my having links to websites by people not using their real names yet smearing people using their real names. I had taken down Jack and a few others while I decided how I was going to handle the situation. I finally decided that people could just make up their own minds how seriously to take people who run down others while hiding their identity so they don't have to be held accountable for their actions. I just posted a disclaimer above all the links that their linking did not constitute an endorsement on my part like some readers had believed.

I had taken down Graphic Classroom because it wasn't really about local stuff but then I added Larry's fantasy sports thing so I threw GC back up.

On another note, the buzz around town is that you're angling for a full-time gig with the Democratic party. Any truth to that?

The CDM said...

That is about as true as you voting for Steve Helms instead of Jim Lee Tuesday. So how true is that?

Jason said...

So when is your first official day?

The CDM said...

Does your wife know you are this fascinated by me?