Saturday, August 09, 2008

Organizing Spaces

Ever since we remodeled the kitchen the rest of the house has looked rather shabby and unusable. We realized that the other rooms did not function properly; they did not flow. What better time for a house makeover than when I am not in college?

My Mom, the amateur interior decorator, came up with bags packed. The promise: She was not leaving until the house was organized and clean. Her standards of clean and ours differ a bit. When she says clean, she means the curtains are washed, the furniture is moved out and the floors are scrubbed. Oh yeah, and ceiling fans are dusted. She is not a fan of the Dust Bunny Snow Storms, and she nearly stoked out after reading that story. As you can see by the picture above, she remedied the ceiling fan debacle by shaking her finger until I got up on a ladder and scrubbed the dirty little devils. I did as I was told.

Mom came on Monday, the day after our vacation, and stayed until Friday night. We went through every room in house save the daughter’s bedroom: kitchen, living room, family room, master bedroom, office (which was a nightmare), the utility room, both bathrooms, the porch, and the garage. We worked sometimes until 11 p.m.

It was especially fun as I don’t get to spend time with my mother unfettered. For five days we worked together and it was really enjoyable. She worked me hard. I think I moved every piece of furniture in the house multiple times, but it did get organized. It was our own version of Trading Spaces except I didn’t work on her house.

Incidentally, we bought those Hercules Hooks that you see on TV. They really work well, especially when you have a lot of pictures to hang. We did and we used the thunder out of those things.

Come Thursday, Skinny Kitty’s mother called and wanted to have a garage sale. What to do; what to do? We opted for the sale at the same time so we could clean the garage too. At noon today, all was done –my mother left Friday night and the sale ended on Saturday. The left-overs were taken to the Salvation Army. Now we just relax and reap the rewards of a clean and very organized house, one that functions and flows well, a home that is peaceful and calm and tranquil.

It’s not all candy and popcorn, though. I had to give some things up, which my mother reminded me as the price of having a small house. I get dressed in half the rooms of the house. My shirts and pants are in the bedroom. My socks and underwear are in the office, while my shoes are in the utility room. I do have a chair in the utility room, which is nice. Then my toothbrush is in the half-bath by the garage. I don’t mind too much. I need the exercise anyway and the organized house makes the wife happy. That makes me happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does your Mother hire out?
